Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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LANtastic Network Operating System v4.00 Compatibility Testing Report
Product Reviewed: Wordstar v6.0 LAN, by Wordstar International
Classification: Word Processing Software
Date: 11/26/91
Engineer: J Gerring
Compatibility Statement
WordStar v6.0 LAN is compatible with the LANtastic Network Operating System
Product Overview
WordStar 6.0 LAN provides good word processing services to a network
environment. Optionally, utilities for telecommunications, outlining, converting
documents to and from other word processing formats, creating mailing lists,
managing directories, and inserting graphics into documents can also be
installed. For users inexperienced with WordStar's CTRL key combinations, an
additional pull down menu interface is included.
Test Equipment Configuration
The following machines were used for WordStar testing. All machines use
Artisoft AE-2 NICs. Testing was completed using LANtastic NOS v4.0 with
AILANBIO.EXE and AE2.EXE v2.03. Machines running as LANtastic peer
servers are designated by (S).
- CompuAdd 333: 386DX/33, DOS 5.0 (S) (Main Wordstar server)
- Northgate 386: 386DX/20, DOS 5.0 (S)
- CompuAdd 220: 286/20, DOS 5.0
Product Installation Notes
The Wordstar 6.0 LAN Installation Guide provides a very comprehensive section
detailing its installation on a LANtastic v3.0 network, these instructions are
also valid for NOS v4.0. The Wordstar installation guide notes that LANCache
cannot be run on the server during installation, however there is no problem with
this configuration under NOS 4.0.
Vendor Information
WordStar International
201 Alameda del Prado / PO Box 6113
Novato, CA 94948
800/227-5609 or 415/382-8000
ARTISOFT, Inc. Makes no warranties as to the completeness or accuracy of this
document. LANtastic is a trademark of ARTISOFT, Inc. Brand names, company
names, and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective companies.